If you are interested making efforts to knock out your debt, you might want to consider hiring a consumer credit counseling service to help you. They can not only help you knock out debt, but they can also get you on the road toward financial independence and keep you out of the spending habits that got you into trouble in the first place.
A consumer credit counseling service will work with your creditors to knock out your debt and make repayment arrangements as well as possibly reducing the amount of interest that you are currently paying. The consumer credit counseling service has agreements with many companies and they work with them to make repayment terms that you can stick to and get back on track.
It can be difficult to knock out your debt on your own. That s why consumer credit counseling services were founded and today, with more and more Americans deep in debt, they are becoming big business. Not only do they charge you a small fee for their services, they also receive a percentage of your payment from the credit companies they work with.
One of the largest and oldest consumer credit counseling service that exists to help people knock out debt is CCCS (Consumer Credit Counseling Service). They can be found online at www.cccsintl.org and can even do an online consultation with you regarding your debts and what they can do to help you out.
If you want to use another company, they abound especially on the Internet. It seems like you can t turn on the television or the radio without hearing about another company that promises to knock out your debt and make you financially solvent again.
When choosing a consumer credit counseling service to knock out your debt, you ll want to choose carefully and make sure you are getting service from a reputable company. Do some research into their background and be sure there are no complaints that have been filed against them with the Better Business Bureau.
They are required to advise you of your rights when it comes to credit counseling and everything they will do to help you should be in writing. This should include an out clause that would allow you to cancel their service if you are dissatisfied with their performance.
You can try to knock out your debt on your own, but securing the help of a consumer credit counseling service is a better option especially if you are deep in debt. They have a little more pull with creditors plus it looks good on your credit report showing that you are trying to not only get out of debt, but stay out of debt for good.