Credit Cards For Bad Credit If you have bad credit, you might think that it is impossible for you to obtain a credit card. Let s start out by saying that if you have bad credit, the only possible reason could have for wanting another credit card is to try and rebuild your credit rather … [Read more...]
Your Credit Rating
Any time you take out credit for the purposes of making a purchase, or for any other reason in fact, this information goes onto a file which is held by any one (or more) of a number of credit monitoring agencies in your country. Any payments you make (or miss) and any changes to your account are … [Read more...]
Tips For Building Good Credit
Credit comes with pitfalls. We are told this regularly and for many people it seems to be all they ever hear about the process of paying with credit. However, if managed to your advantage, you can make credit cards work for you. Bear in mind that banks and lenders are quick to add charges to … [Read more...]
Consumer Credit Card Counseling Services
If you have found yourself overwhelmed by credit card debt, you might want to seek out the services of a consumer credit card counseling service. They actually are a part of consumer credit counseling services that are available to consumers all over the world. They can help with counseling … [Read more...]
Annual Credit Report
Annual Credit Report As a consumer in the United States, the Federal Government decided back in 2003 that you are entitled to receive a free annual credit report so you can monitor your credit and your credit rating. The FACT Act was passed unanimously so that all Americans could get a free … [Read more...]
A Life Of Debt
Since about a decade ago, the rise in numbers of people using credit to fund larger purchases has been steep. We have definitely become more impatient as a society, and this has meant that where we see an opportunity to acquire expensive consumer items we are unlikely to spurn that opportunity. Due … [Read more...]
Is a Loan the Way To Go?
In the society in which we live, we all see from day to day people who have possessions which we would like to own for ourselves. Unfortunately, budgetary concerns make this impossible, in some cases. To overcome this situation, more and more people are looking at taking out personal loans as a way … [Read more...]
Can You Get Credit?
One thing that has been made very clear to people over the last few years is that taking out credit comes with some risks attached. If you are borrowing either on a credit card or a loan, it really is not advisable to borrow ?as much as you can?, when the amount that you can borrow tends to be … [Read more...]
Why Do We Use Credit?
When someone falls into debt due to a history of using credit there is invariably a rush of questions as to why they saw fit to borrow so much in the first place. Part of the reason is the way that credit has been sold by the banks ? if you apply today you could have that new car tomorrow ? and part … [Read more...]
Cash vs Credit ? The Battle Lines Are Drawn
It is a certain fact that where credit used to be the preserve of a few people with major disposable income, now loans and credit cards are common parts of life for most sections of society. This has led to situations where it is assumed that the less well-off are the people who like to take out … [Read more...]